Still deciding if it is complete. Contemplating a touch of color…maybe not. It was made to be printed out at 11″ x 15″.
Tag: art (Page 2 of 2)
I was commissioned to illustrate a cover for a conference agenda coming up in a couple of weeks. I emailed my printer to get a quote for something and instead he threw me some work. 7 Drawings, including this one, in 5 days or less (!)
I have swollen neck glands, headaches, stiff/sore neck, white spots on tonsils in back of throat…..but it’s WORK!! This is no time for wussies! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Started a new digital drawing. There are are positives and negatives to using vectors to draw. Some sections are tedious, frustratingly difficult to manipulate and a lot slower than using a traditional pen or pencil. On the other hand, mistakes are eliminated or reworked, and filling in shapes become instantaneous. As an artist you can play a lot more, move things about, reshape, resize and re color to your hearts content. And FAST! No leaving the house for more pens, searching for paper….although I still start with a rough sketch in the sketchpad…For the style I am working with right now, Inkscape is pretty nifty.
Started a new drawing last night. I’m using the same Storyteller theme of layering images and shapes to weave a story; one of my own, or left to the viewer to create and imagine their own. I will keep posting updates of progress as I go along.
I am the official horse…I mean ‘runner up’ for the 2015 MERA Award for Excellence in the Fine Arts and Fine Crafts.
“For her part, Star Horn also works and innovates within a tradition. Her visually stunning necklaces, chokers and bracelets show a sensitive understanding of both the techniques of beadwork and a strong feeling for indigenous Plains formal traditions. At the same time, she successfully adapts these forms for the contemporary wearer.” writes Diana Nemiroff.
Ms Nemiroff is the former Director of Carleton University Art Gallery and senior curator at the National Gallery of Canada from 1990 to 2005.
Below are a few examples of my submission for this award. Well, $1000 WOULDA BEEN NICE….but I guess I will settle for this acknowledgement and opportunity to showcase my jewelry in June at the official presentation. 🙂
Ok, so there was a LOST MOUTH GRUARD FIASCO this morning as we readied our son for hockey. Allowing him to sleep with us last night (something which is a ‘treat’ for him and at 9 years of age, we know will disappear soon enough) was nice and comforting, but there was just too much jostling, errant limbs, and not quite enough room to allow a solid night’s sleep. This tiredness leads to a loss of patience and gradual frustration which only made the morning fiasco that much worse. My head is foggy and a nap will be in order shortly. Otherwise my own evening hockey game will be yet another fiasco.
I am teaching myself how to use WordPress in an effort to have more choices to offer clients. The immediate allure of the clean, crisp and simple layouts that WordPress offers is quickly replaced with hours of frustration, forum navigating, and Googling to find coherent answers. It seems I am not alone. I find numerous people, elite computer savvy individuals, asking the very same questions. The responses are often complicated. Much more complicated and confusing than what I thought WordPress was supposed to offer. After some trial and error, crying for help from my partner, and just plain luck, I seem to have gotten the basic hang of how to use a few of the templates.
I’ve decided to utilize this site to display my artwork. I already made a basic html website a year and a half ago but I thought adding another, where the chance of it being seen more was greater, couldn’t hurt.
My other website:
I’m not much of a writer so I gather it will be a site full of images. My work in various stages. Photos I take. Jewelry I make. And occasional rants.
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