Lanyards printed! Clean lines, bright, sharp colors.
Tag: advertising
A continuation of the work for the new recreational hockey program to be started in Perth. A lanyard, to be handed out to all participants in this program, will be accompanied by another Perth Blue Wings ‘free entry’ pass to all their home games. The lanyard was created for some extra advertising and a place to display the names of some sponsors. It also serves as a hands-on schedule with reminders of upcoming events and hockey ‘theme’ days.
These are to be printed double sided on cardstock and fit into 4″ x 6″ plastic lanyards.
The new logo was the result of a new program initiated by TeamPlayer with the assistance of the Perth Blue Wings Junior Hockey Club. With no recreational hockey program being offered in Perth, TeamPlayer has decided to offer a Sunday morning program for kids who do not want to be in minor hockey (with the costs, time commitments, and emphasis on competitiveness, many kids are left out of the sport in small towns) yet still want to learn the sport.
The name of the new program is ‘Recreational Hockey & Leadership Program for Kids!‘ and the team will be called TeamPlayer Junior Blue Wings. My job was to combine both logo’s while making a new identity for a kids program. It’s always tricky attempting to combine two logo’s which are completely different in style and color and to unify them into a new identity. I always think ‘simpler is better’. By concentrating on using the one word ‘Junior’ and the color orange found on the TP logo as the section that stands out, I think it came together. By adding the the double blue circle, taken from the Blue Wings logo, to keep it looking uniform and in one shape also tidied it up.
A print ad was made for the local newspaper (see above). The logo was used on social media to get interest and registrants -mostly on Facebook by using their advertising feature which comes at a reasonable cost. The next step is working with the local printer to get hockey jerseys and possibly a couple of coaching jackets with this logo. I will follow up with pictures when that gets accomplished.
Slight change to this client’s logo…they are branching off and adding a new speaking series in November. So, why not add a small color detail to the logo which makes it POP! I think the leaf needed to be accentuated and it really is representing ‘growth’ as the client’s ideas are evolving into something more inclusive and …well kind of means they are ‘branching out’. 🙂

Print-ready ad for magazine for a client
Currently doing a little of everything as usual. Above is a print ad for a magazine for a client. Keeping to her new branding style I created this card both vertically and horizontally.
I will also be having my very own craft table at this conference (I confess to know little about Reiki itself) but it’s a great opportunity to show some of my work and hopefully get a few sales. My plan was to bring some prints…perhaps some Nez Perce Style necklaces…porcupine quill work…and a few Rustic Benches pieces we do (cutting boards and candle holders).
My Reiki Associates client is getting ready to hold their 2nd annual reiki conference this spring, entitled: “Enriching Me and My Reiki Community”. Speakers, workshops, exercises, and great food throughout the day will engage numerous practitioners, artists, and those seeking to learn more about reiki.
Looking to the future, for this to be an annual gathering, they requested a separate logo from their own branding. A substantial tree with numerous stars glowing through (they saw the light and energy of the stars to be representative of their community of practitioners and clients) is an image they wanted to employ.
The small shoot with two leaves growing from the base was suggested to add another layer of meaning to this logo. It was meant to represent new growth, change and re-birth; a fresh and organic energy which can be associated with the reiki practice. I felt that the smaller plant balanced out the larger and solid image of the tree.
Magazine/Newspaper Ads
A full-color ad used to promote the upcoming conference. I used the new logo and extended the colors to the rest of the space. Making each bit of information stand out on it’s own, with clarity and space so as not to feel crowded and without overtaking the main image was my goal for doing a small ad. The logo is completely scalable; keeping it sharp and appealing even when used at a very small size.
Reiki Associates ( contracted my services to update their business card to reflect the new look of their brochure. A two-sided, full-color card with the ability to write 3 appointment dates on the back as a handy reminder for clients.
In addition, an ad used in the Humm, for their upcoming conference. The client is going to be using a separate and distinctive logo for this reiki conference. Yet to be finalized, we used only one element from that logo, a tree, in the interim.
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